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Timezone 2: Let's Create Peaceful Paths

  • 1 Feb 2025
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Virtual Workshop on Zoom

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Let’s Create Peaceful Paths

A Pre-World Labyrinth Day 2025 virtual workshop hosted by the Australian Labyrinth Network

Timezone 2

For those located in North America, Central America, South America, Asia-Pacific, New Zealand, Australia

Zoom in times: 6:00 pm New York US, 3:00 pm San Francisco US, 12 noon (Sunday 2nd) Wellington NZ, 10:00 am (Sunday 2nd) Sydney

So many ways to create labyrinth pathways! So many ways to walk labyrinth pathways! Because we reckon that every student should have a personal labyrinth and learn to use it for peaceful heart space. In this workshop we’re going to get hands on and create experiences for you around the materials and activities we’ve packaged in our WLDES resource for 2025, Creating Peaceful Paths.

As we progress through the scope of offerings you’ll become more and more familiar with what’s included. And you’ll be able to generate ideas with how you might work with it creatively in your own context, whether you work in an educational setting or not. It is not exclusive. This workshop is for everyone who is willing to engage, create, and adapt.

Bring paper and pens to this workshop!

Join us!  Be inspired!  Connect with the global labyrinth community!  We’re excited! 

Email:  admin [@]

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