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Timezone 2: WLD Exploration & Inspiration – celebrating WLD in Educational Settings

  • 21 Jan 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • ZOOM

Registration is closed

Exploration & Inspiration

A Pre-World Labyrinth Day 2023 Zoom Event, hosted by the Australian Labyrinth Network

Timezone 2

Are you located in North America, South America, Asia-Pacific, New Zealand, Australia? 

Zoom in times: 6pm New York US, 3pm San Francisco US, 12 noon (Sunday 22nd) Wellington NZ, 10am (Sunday 22nd) Sydney AU

Are you thinking of organizing an event or wanting to do something special to celebrate World Labyrinth Day in Educational Settings on Friday May 5th?

Not sure where to start, or how to? Needing inspiration? Already in the planning stages and willing to share ideas?

Let’s gather together to explore new and established ways for celebrating. We’ll give you an overview of the four collaborating World Labyrinth Day organisations (TLS, LLP, Veriditas & ALN) and what they have to offer, share resources and promotional materials, generate lots of ideas, provide how to’s and tips, and answer questions.

Join us!  Be inspired!  Connect with the global labyrinth community!  We’re excited!   

Email:  admin [@]

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