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newsreel #15 sharing circle - stories of transformation

  • 9 Nov 2021
  • 6:45 PM - 8:15 PM (AEDT)
  • Zoom


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sharing circle - stories of transformation

facilitated by Mark Healy

We all have stories of how the labyrinth has supported us to gain deeper insights and lead us into places in ourselves that we could not have found without the grace filled space that it provides.

In 2000 I declared bankruptcy. It was a traumatic experience and deeply emotional time of my life. If not for the labyrinth and the project I created during the first 6 months after that event, I’m sure I would have ended up in a very lost, dark space. I will share how the labyrinth carried me through the darkness of this time and then invite you to share your moments of being held by the labyrinth.

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