SATURDAY 2 May 2020 - 1-2 pm
Whilst we might be feeing a bit socially isolated, this World Labrinth Day we have a unique opportunity to connect with fellow ALN members for a guided walk.
Connect with your ALN family from across Australia, by joining in the ALN AEST Zoom Labyrinth walk live at 1 pm (QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS time (AEST), 12:30 pm SA & NT (ACST) time) with Mark Healy our Vice-chairperson. You can also join Linda Blyth at Bunbury Community Labyrinth Zoom walk live at 1 pm WA time (3 pm AEST, 2:30 pm ACST). There will be a guided intention setting at the start, and you should be able to see fellow labyrinth lovers (if they have enabled their video on Zoom). We do ask that you mute your microphone during the walk however, so there are no background noise disturbances.
You can watch a pre-recorded labyrinth walk maybe using a finger labyrinth to follow along - check out this resource from Carole Schroeder, South Australia
David & Sue Wood at Campfire-in-the-Heart, Alice Springs in the Northern Territory
Mark Healy walking at his property in Tasmania
Cynthia Hoogstraten walking on the beach in Queensland
Greg Ross walking at Bunbury Community Labyrinth in Western Australia
Peter Bean walking his autumn labyrinth in Mount Barker, South Australia
Alison Meretini walking the labyrinth at Australian Centre for Christianity & Culture, Barton, ACT
Randal Dennings on a canvas labyrinth at St John's Cathedral, 15 minute version, Brisbane
Check out this 15 minute video from Lars Howlett on using finger labyrinths
You can find two versions of a labyrinth process to share in home-based labyrinth walks on WLD, and you can download finger labyrinth images and other materials from our Resources page.
Here are a reflection and a poem, a WLD resource from Victoria, thanks to Lorraine Rodda.